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Cher Hart | From tackling trauma inside the mind and body to practicing play outside in nature

India Pearson Season 5 Episode 3
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00:00 | 43:02

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Cher Hart is a very well respected Osteopath who specialises in Women’s health, chronic pain and stress-illness recovery.  After a terrible few months in 2018 Cher found therepy in ‘play’ outside and talks to me about how it helped the trauma to flow through and out. Cher speaks to me from the bottom of her heart and dives into why it is now her daily Non-negotiable. 

Instagram -@livewellosteopathy

Website -

You can find this episode on iTunes, Spotify and many other podcast platform 💙

If you have any questions or would like to suggest a guest please get in touch! You can email India via or send a message via Instagram  @india_outdoors / @finandflow /

~Music - Caleb Howard Almond / @oakandalmondcarpentry

You can find this episode on iTunes, Spotify and many other podcast platform

If you have any questions or would like to suggest a guest please get in touch! You can email India via or send a message via Instagram @india_outdoors / @finandflow /

~Music - Caleb Howard Almond / @oakandalmondcarpentry